Neutered Dog, Adolf Hitler and fun!

My dog was neutered today. So now, he’s trying to walk around with the cone on his head. It’s funny and sad at the same time. The funny part is that he keeps crashing into walls and yes, I know it is mean. He’s just so cute. The sad part is, he keeps whimpering because he keeps stepping on his cone and he can get to his small places. However, when he heard his lease, he immediately walked as fast as he could to the door to go for a walk, he loves his walk. Mickey (his name) also gained weight and we thought he lost some. He’s currently 9.5 pounds. His father was about 10 pounds so I guess that an appropriate weight.

Anyway, today was a very gray day. It just rained and we had a half day because of curriculum day. We had an assembly today about “achieving what we want.” Like the car we want, the job we want, the salary we want. I don’t know what car I want, maybe in 10-15 years, cars will fly or something. Maybe not, but that’s a silly kind of question in my opinion. As for my career, I don’t know but I’m almost 99.9% sure I want to go into the law field. My law teacher is one of my role model.

I’m also currently reading Mien Kampf (My Struggle) by Adolf Hitler. He was an interesting man, very dark and it’s amazing and frightening how one man could have all these ideas…and try to bring them to life.

And now for some shameful whoring: The Breakdown of Natalie Whitman It's an original fic...

Boy, I'm tired...
June 5th, 2009 at 01:09am