Awkward! :)

Okay, so you guys want to hear a super awkward moment? Yeah? Okay, here it is.

Well, because I'm still in school (We haven't got out for summer yet, 16th) I write mostly in my study hall. And if any of you read my stories some of them have sex in it. :)

Well I was in one of my study halls, I have two, and this was the one with an art teacher who is like my grandmothers age. She's really nice too. Anyways back to the subject. Well I was writing one of my new stories, that I haven't posted yet, and they have tons of sex in them. Okay so she comes over this is what happens and she likes right beside me so she can see my notebook.

Her: "What are you writing?"

"A story."

"About what?"

"Um..." I really don't want to be like rape... so instead I was like. "A band."

"Oh what's happening in it." As she is saying this I think she's reading some of it, because after a second she gets this weird look on her face and just walks away.... I think she read my sex scene. It was awkward for me. :D

Tell me one of your most awkward moments 'Kay... if you do I'll tell you an even more awkward one between me and my crush. :)
June 5th, 2009 at 12:53pm