
I do way too much shit with my hair. I change it all the time. I'm really bored so I thought I'd make a timeline.


This is way back in... 06 or 07? I can't remember which. But I was ridiculous and stupid and wanted to be a scene kid. That's my natural hair color.


Then I got long bangs. Which looked really bad on me.


Soon I got some sense into me, and started wearing my bangs to the side again as they grew out.


I wore my hair like this for a really long time. Well, not too long. Maybe five months? This picture was taken on the day I got kicked out... -_-


After that, a bunch of stuff happened, a lot of stuff changed, so I decided to be "R3B3LL!0U5" and dye it with Splat box dye, overunbleached hair. It was an amazing color, buuut I did a terrible job so a lot of my hair was still brown.


Had it black all summer.


Chopped all my curls off in September 08. Still black.


Wore it in pigtails like this (you can't really see, but oh well) for a little while.


Killed it with straighteners, wore it down, and layered my bangs.


I got really really sick in the winter, and got tired of straightening my bangs all the time so started wearing it back.


Then FINALLY fucking dyed it blonde, which I had been saying I was gunna do for a long, long time.


Wore it half-back like this, and wore that purple extension thing all the time.


Dyed the back black again, so I had it half and half.


Bleached it some more, cut bangs.


Decided I wanted black hair again, so I switched it around-- black front, orange-blonde back.


Made two dreads, but they fell out because 1. I am shitty at maintaining them and 2. the rest of my hair wasn't dreaded, so it was hard.


Then here I am now. Fading the black dye so I can bleach it all out and dye it Nuclear Red (SFX ftw, yo). I'm also growing it out, so in a years time it'll hopefully be long enough to dread . YAY!

I used to change my hair all the time when I was younger, too. Like, really young. Eight or so years old. I would just go, "Mom, can I get my hair cut?" and since that's one of the few things that my mother is cool with she'd just go "Sure, I'll make a date to take you" and we'd go to her grown-up hair dressers and she'd let me get my hair cut. like. HOWEVER I wanted. Hahahah, it was awesome. I couldn't dye it until I was thirteen, though... And I just DIY it anyway, hah.

I CAN'T WAIT TO DYE IT NUCLEAR RED, YO! I'm graduating my Catholic school on Wednesday, after NINE YEARS of being there (K-8, muthafuckahs), and since they don't allow unnatural hair colors, piercings, and have a uniform, etc, I can FINALLY dye it unnaturally. I'm so happy! They barely let me have maroon hair there -.-
June 6th, 2009 at 04:11pm