Life Is Short, Think About It

Have you ever sat down and thought about how short life really is? So many people that are close to have died recently and it really made me think. Life is short and we need to live it how God wants us to. We need to make the best out of everything he puts before us, because whether we know it or not, people are always watching, and they judge us by how we act everywhere we go. So next time someone makes you mad, or you're just having a bad day, stop and think about how someone you really look up to would've handled the same situation.
A couple weeks ago, my bus driver died. His funeral was probably the happiest one I've ever been to, all because he lived for God, and everything he did, he did with love and did it to the fullest. He was a person that the second you met him, you felt you could tell him your whole life story and he wouldn't judge you. Just think about this, would you want people to feel like that around you? Do you want to know for a fact that you'll go to heaven when you die? I know I do, and all that takes is to have a relationship with God. I know that since I've decided to live my life for God, it has been so much better, you have the faith that no matter what, everything is going to be ok in the end. There's nothing to worry about, because you always have someone by your side, through everything. God loves you, no matter what you've done, and he just wants you to know that.
June 6th, 2009 at 05:55pm