Time is a crazy thing

So Junior year is now over. (yes......!)
And now I'm back to being the good ol' writer who updates each story at once with a two week grace period between. I've been really bad about it this year, so I believe that I need to cut that grace period out for a bit. I'll be writing more and yes, there's actually a new story in progress. It has nothing to do with bands either. That's exciting since I have always based most of my stories off of bands, but I think it's time that I've showed you the other side of me that I haven't shown to mibba until now. Ladies and gents, I do write stories that aren't based on celebrities, but what I see around me instead. (Except that one part in Purpose which started from listening to Hey There Delilah almost everyday for three months...) Anywho... There will only be random dry spots this summer since I prolly have Chemistry for summer school and my nephew is about to be baptized. :D My sis is coming from her state to ours so it'll be great to hold his little body in my arms again. I miss him.. my wrists are sad not to ache from his weight pressing them down for multiple hours. :P

Anywho, comment. I want to know how the rest of you are doing. I miss so many of you and talking to you on a regular basis. ):

June 7th, 2009 at 02:05am