What was I thinking when I wrote that?

I was just looking through my poems and found the most bizzare thing ever.

If you knew me, you'd laugh as hard as I just did:

I know nothing of the world, as for my only one concern is to know I. I the soul I’m searching for an understanding of the rest. I the picker of my own dreams and my own wishes. I the destroyer of my own inner light that where I stand I find no peace, yet only harm, harm forced upon my own soul with my own power, a power I must control ‘cause it is I who tomorrow will change and it is I who is for today and who was the creator of my inner soul. A soul not so different, not as much in danger for I know nothing of danger, something sinful if with death, but yet I find no use, no power, no reason, ‘cause it is I who is wonder and I who is searching. And a partner the least to say, yet not even. Not even such luck as if it, though I, I the true meaning of the word, believe nothing, nothing can come and nothing can go, yet yesterday is today and tomorrow was the past. This things, these answers, they are all one. One self explanatory though we not look, we don’t find. I stand about the crowd, a soulless bird about its pray, but not for hunger shall I stand any longer, but for the knowledge I crave, for I who wants to know, and just know is what I shall do.

I never knew I was born during the time of Shakespear, besides the fact that I have no idea what I meant by any of it.

Haha. I'm nuts....

June 7th, 2009 at 02:38am