49 More Confessions from a Girl.

102. I wish my parents forced me to play piano when I was young, all thanks to Nick Jonas.

103. If I were a boy my name would have been Michael.

104. I want at least two kids, the older child being the boy named Andrew James after my grandpas.

105. I want a younger daughter then who will marry her brother's best friend.

106. I think about love way too much to have figured that out.

107. If I didn't play the flute, I would want to play the trumpet because I love having the melody and getting solos. =].

108. My family annoys me to no end.

109. Falling in love scares me.

110. I think Asdrubal Cabrera is one of the hottest baseball players to grace this earth. =].

111. I have a weird love in math when my answer turns about to be the same number, like 111.

112. I still have a Disney Princess poster on my bedroom wall with stickers labeling my favorite.

113. I wanted to marry Prince Eric. Go Little Mermaid. =].

114. I adopted a whale when I was younger named Crystal, a boy.

115. I don't like meeting new people very often in person.

116. I wish I could meet the friends I've made in real life from this website.

117. Because I'm a cool child who likes to be different, I was born from a C-Section. I was sideways. My mom didn't like me much from that, ha.

118. I dislike when girls complain about how fat they are when they are sticks.

119. The Joker from The Dark Knight gives me nightmares.

120. I cried when Cedric Diggory died in HP4. Maggie and Ashley still make fun of me for it.

121. Up until I went to confession at Christmas time, I didn't pray regularly before bed. But since I spilled my heart out to the priest, I now do because he told me to.

123. I often wonder if I get lost how I will find my way back home.

124. I think about death nearly every day.

125. When I think about myself dying from something tragic, I think if everyone I loved would know it.

126. I often think of writing a letter if that ever happens, and telling Maggie and Ashley where the key would be if I do so they could read it.

127. If I won the lottery, I would help my cousin probably first.

128. I love to look up movie quotes. And then I quote them to myself.

129. If it's a movie; I'll be there crying.

130. I dream about what it will be like to have my first boyfriend so much that I'm afraid my dreams have built up my expectations way too much.

131. In my first year of travel baseball, I cried after every game we lost.

132. I was a proud girl scout. =].

133. I hate when people think I'm an idiot just for liking the Jonas Brothers.

134. I hate when people think I have horrible taste in music for liking the Jonas Brothers.

135. Brad Paisley's song about writing a letter to himself at seventeen, I wish I could do in real life, just to know that everything will turn out ok.

136. My motto is "Everything is ok in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end," although no I don't believe it much.

137. If you want to make me mad, call me the b-word. And I can hold a grudge for a longggg time.

138. I don't swear, and I pray for forgiveness if I do.

139. I don't like when people swear, and when I read books, I cross out the f-word with pencil.

140. I have my blonde moments, sometimes.

141. If it were my way, I'd wear jeans and an old baseball t-shirt every day.

142. When my best guy friend ditched me for fireworks one year for his girlfriend, I wanted to punch him in the face. They broke up a week later. =].

143. I try not to be mean, but sometimes, if you annoy me enough, you don't want to mess with me.

144. At my first boy/girl party I made my mom drive around the block three times before I could stable my breathing and actually walk to the party.

145. I love sports movies based on true events, most noticeably, Miracle.

146. If a boy likes sports, is smart, has dark hair, and is tall, he owns a part of my heart. <3.

147. These confessions are becoming my new addiction.

148. Sometimes I wish that people could see that when I say I'm ok, I'm really not, and I just want to talk to someone.

149. I hate any type of change, unless I can control it.

150. I wonder every day how my life would have turned out if I was more outgoing. But then I shake my head because I can never see myself as very outgoing.
June 8th, 2009 at 03:55am