Love =3


So, today is the day I fell in-love with a boy at my school.
His name is Daniel Walsh, and I don't think I'll ever like someone as much as I like him.
Note: I said Like not love.
I've liked him for a long time, but never really shown it.

And today at school we were talking for ages, and we got on well. I get on well with his friends, and he gets along with mine.

The best thing is, I feel a certain spark with him that I haven't with anyone else.
He's in my maths and science. (probably some others, but i cant be bothered to say) and we seem to talk an awful lot. In maths, he sits on the other side of the class, and he's always staring at me and my friend. Pulling funny faces and trying to get us in trouble.

And well sorry if this is spam. I just wanted to tell the world! :088:
June 8th, 2009 at 06:28pm