
Okay so no offense to anyone who reads this and is going, "HEY, THAT'S ME!". I just had experience with this issue and felt the need to write a little journal entry about it...
Well you know how all the mibba profiles have those "about" sections, right? Yeah, nothing new. Well I just was scrolling through random people's profiles, being a creep haha, and ended up on like, 5 in a row that had about sections that could be a freaking BOOK. They are SO long.
I'm like, endlessly scrolling wondering when it will ever end. I don't mind if you have a lot of say, but there is seriously such a thing as TOO MUCH INFORMATION.
They should be long enough to have people interested to know you, but not too long so that people don't even bother to read what you write.
Sorry, it just bothered me so i journaled about it.
No offense if this pertains to you :)

June 9th, 2009 at 12:12am