Have you ever been yelled at for NOT having a facebook?

Most (normal) parents yell at their kid(s) for having or spending too much time on the popular social network facebook. Well for me i get yelled at by my mom for not having one. For me facebook is basically the devil for these reasons:

1. I don't understand it.
2. Everything on there just feels unorganized to me.
3. Its just too awkward for me. I just don't feel comfortable on facebook.

My mom decided to get one when one of her high school buddies asked her to join. My mom now has hundreds of friend from high school most of them in their forties now all with great jobs and perfect families. Then my mom became addicted to facebook; she is on it 24/7! Actually right now as we speak she is probably talking to someone or challenging them to a game of bejeweled.

So what exactly started all this madness? I really have no idea. A lot of my friends have a facebook and my bestie, Somaya, just added her today and for some reason that sparked a switch in my mom to go full on b*tch mode. She comes in my room and starts to yell at me and we get in a fight like many we have already had this delightful summer. The last thing she said to me was, "...Well i guess your friend loves me more than you." Then stormed out of my room.

Now in the heat of that argument my mom says that all her friends have their kids as 'friends' on facebook and she wants to know why i wont get one. Even though i have had to explain this to her almost seventeen times she still does not get why i wont get a facebook. To be honest I'm questioning my mom sanity now.
June 9th, 2009 at 10:48pm