"We're like two butter knives that were used to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." I said this to Kelly one night, months ago, as we were laughing and having a cheery time sitting together at our kitchen table. How the comparison makes sense is beyond me, since I only said it because I was looking at two butter knives sitting on the table. Moments like that may not seem very special, but trust me, they make up some of my fondest memories. Because to me, few things feel better than laughter, and Kelly has given me more laughs than I could ever count, I would like to honor Kelly for bringing immeasurable happiness into my life from the very beginning of our sistership.

Kelly and I met shortly after her birth, and though I do not remember anything from so many years ago, family videos tell me that I wanted to name her "Strawberry"; and despite my wish not being granted, I became very fond of my new sister. As she became older, we often played Barbie's together and stayed up late talking and laughing. If you asked Kelly, she might tell you all she remembers is being tied to the bedpost by me for five years. Regardless of whether there is any truth to that statement, Kelly and I grew up together and few bonds are created stronger than that.

Kelly was always important to me, being my younger sister that looked up to me. Nowadays, though, Kelly is her own unique person and doesn't rely on any one person to do things with her. No one makes me laugh harder than Kelly, and it's cute to watch as she gets excited about little things. She has some crazy dance moves that could keep someone entertained for an hour. These are just the fun things about Kelly. She's also a very caring person. If she doesn't know where someone in our family is, she starts to worry about them and will call their cellphone to make sure they're alright. Kelly loves to eat and nap, making her seem like a cuddly kind of animal sometimes. When it comes down to it, I feel like Kelly's main focus in life is to enjoy herself. I think that's nice because it's simple and focuses on being happy.

Kelly's simple, mellow attitude may be the reason she is always able to cheer people up. I feel like Kelly's sense of humor benefits both her and the people around her. When Kelly makes me laugh, I feel good inside, and it makes her feel good inside to know that she's made someone else happy. Usually one joke leads to another joke and soon Kelly is laughing with me anyway.

Overall, without Kelly I think my house would be a much sadder and tense place to live without her breaking the ice. People need that once in a while, and Kelly does too. Where life will lead Kelly or I in the future is as uncertain as anything, but just like me telling Kelly we're a pair of butter knives, I'm sure she'll be ready to greet it with her quick wit and a smile, the same way she reached into a drawer, pulled something out, and replied with, "Then who's the can opener?"
June 10th, 2009 at 02:22am