
So I'm at my aunty's house and no one's home but me and right when I'm getting out of the shower the doorbell rings. I think it's my cousin so I jump into some clothes and open it. Turns out it's this black guy talking about some thing where you can win a free car and I was like "Well I don't live here so no thanks..." I managed to get myself locked out too but thankfully the key was right by the front door so I got back in.

Five minutes later the doorbell rings again and it's another black guy going "Have you got your free offer?" and I'm like "Yeah some guy came like five minutes ago," so he leaves too.

Then the doorbell rings AGAIN and it's the second guy going "My mate who came before can't stop going on about you, he thinks you're really buff, can I give him your number?"


I feel like my friend Cara. This shit happens to her ALL the time. It never happens to me.

Maybe I SHOULD move to England. Finally get some. LOL.



Hands up who loves British accents.
June 10th, 2009 at 03:43pm