
A crouching figure formed on the grass
The body howled towards the moon light
He remembred his body bound in a crate
Light was like the moon
His body twisted in every angle
The latch formed his only salvation
The weeds were like the splinters of wood
that broke through the crate
the clawing of his nails and fingers never lost sight
the latch
the latch
His hollow grave of sanity was scared by the voices in his head
the latch
the latch
He pawed his hands at the ground
He watched the figures around the house
First the lights were blurred
Then the image of small girl
More confusion
Louder shouts, then a hushed overtone
The girl taken inside
Lights dim
then silence
Like the silence he remembered in the crate
He wished for this
He wanted this
Hound dogs weezed through the chilling night air
It was time for him to move
Catch the hound dogs
Catch the hound dogs of Wrye
He whistled a song
then arched his back feeling the muscles tighten into a new form
The time for hound dogs and scaper
Perhaps he could find another place to wonder
full of blood and pounding sweat
perhaps he could do justice to the girl and what he had seen
she was like the crate in which he was found
Vacant, Vacant, Vacant
He knew this because he watched the Shallow Man cut the cows
brain open, he watched him poor jars of blood on ant hills
he watched him search the fields for bones
he watched him look in the windows
he watched him
he watch
The hound dogs came closer
along with the sense
Archers to go, Archers to grow!

Marvin G Van Dam
Series Excert for "The Train"
June 10th, 2009 at 09:38pm