Why today was different

Today felt like something was missing i was at school and my teacher Miss Annette was doing everyones head in its my final major prject that i havent finished and it has to be completed by friday and i couldnt handle the pressure i was going to stay after school to catch up but the way she was treating me and my friends i decided enough is enough.

I walked from school to a field were i had to leave my friend Carrie-Ann and head towards my mates house Shannen she had been excluded for something totally rediculous well anyway when i got to her house her friend Tony was there i dont mind Tony he's a laugh so we stayed there for about 30 minutes then went to my house were Tony met my dad and Step-Mum, once done at my house we headed to our mate Luke's house to see if he wanted to come out he said no so we decided to go to our mate Terry's house but couldnt remember what house he lived at so had to take a random guess and yes we were right but he said no to coming out , we walked to a field were we sat on a bench untill Tony dragged us both off and down a hill it was funny, it turn 6 O'clock and Tony got bored and went home, Shannen was crying and i asked continuously whats up and she ignored me i asked again and she explained to me she had feeling for someone i also had a crush on (He also fancied me) she felt guilty for what she did so thought i would be hurt by it i can honestly say i wadnt hurt i could never be angry or upset with her i understand the way she feels so in all due respect shes still going to be my best mate, well anyway we sorted everything out and now were back to normal untill the next time but we can handle anything were like sisters.

Thats all to be honest its more like a diary than a journal so im useing it as a diary ok good lol

Love Karleigh

P.S Read my story please and leave a comment

Much love
June 10th, 2009 at 11:57pm