That someone

Hey Everyone,

Do you know how when you see a guy or girl for boys and know that they are the one?
It's kind of like that with me but I'm just a nervous and very shy goose.

I don't want it to be a full on thing, just hanging out like friends and getting to know each
other really well.
Does anyone have these types of moments?

If you do or experienced something like this before, tell me how you did it or what did
you do. If you don't wanna, that's ok.

I just want to be with someone before I'm an adult, then I would really search for that
someone when I get to that age, but for now, HELP ME!!!!

Cya!! Maddy =)

(PS. You don't always have to have a relationship to fit in or have a life. That's what
friends are for!)
June 11th, 2009 at 10:35am