
Life could be so hard at times. But for most life is difficult to go by, espcially my life. it isn't all good nor bad it's more like a mixture of ingredents and i'm the main course. man i mean i now teenage life was difficult but man i i knew what i was going to get myself into then i really wish i never was here. i know that seems so selfish of me but what can i say things are said and done that you really wish you didn't do or say. But man i really step over the line on this one. So my advice and wisdom i give you is sometimes it's good to have an opinon but it's never to good to say and do what you THINK is right. You should always consider the persons feelings and don't get involved in their lives, even if the person was a very very goof and and family memeber. Unless, unless that person wanted to help or get involoved. That was my lesson in life.
June 12th, 2009 at 12:12am