Random quotes from random people of the NYC streets.

I thought it would be fun to put some random quotes down that I have come across living here.

The first one I'm sorry but its hysterical to me.
*Justin, Dan, and Me texting in class and Ms.Cordts can see. Were texting each other like retards, Ms.cordts tells us to put the phone away, me and Justin do. Dan pulls out another phone.*
"Can't you put your phone away for 5 minutes, Its not like a hard on where you can have it all day" - Ms.Cordts

"Hey ladies, don't worry I'm not dangerous, I'm to Lazy to be" - A random homeless guy, who's pants were falling off if I might add, so his ass crack was showing.


"THE FOOTBALL PLAYERS ARE WATCHING US!!!" - A guy in a suit on 14st union square holding up a sign that read that, while screaming that.

"Have you seen two girls around your age?" - old lady (I'm at a bus stop and I'm 16)
"No? What do they look like?" - me
"I don't know what they look like all they said was to meet me in front of" - She starts to walk away and point to the Duane Read "The pharmacy but I don't know where they are" - the old lady then starts walking around talking to herself.

*Random guy looks me up and down as I'm walking up the street*
"God Bless ya" - random guy, I grab my friends arm so he re checks us out and goes
"ohh well god bless ya both."

"You think I should fuck him up?" - Some random drunk dude.

"Do you go to queens community college?" - Some guy
"No"- Me
"Oh well you look like my friend, hey do you wanna be friends?" - Some guy

*Me and Chine singing ALPOH, guy looks me up and down*
"What the fuck you looking at?" -Me
"I'm Looking!" - Random guy

*I was smoking a cigarette and this old Chinese lady just comes up to me and goes"
"something something something" I didn't under stand a word she said to me because it was all in Chinese but something about my cigarette and to put it out. So I do because she just reminded me of my grandmother.
now as I put the cigarette out she starts Chanting! Then doing the sign of the cross and bowing, so I bow back and she gets even more happier. I just walk away....

A guy had a bee caught in his hair on the train, It was twitching.

*I walked out side with a medical mask on."
"Can I ask why do you have that on?" - random drunk guy
"idk I like it." - me
"Can I try it on?" - Drunk guy.

*my friends are running down the street*
"Run forest run!" - Me
"RUN!!! RUN FOREST RUN!!!!"- Random guy jumping up and down yelling this.

*again some kids are running track past me.*
"Run forest run!!!"-Me
"YEAH!!!!!" - Track guy
"Run, run, run." - Me
"FUCK YEA!" - Track guy.

I think thats all I can think of from of the top of my head, I know there is more but I just can't think straight right now.
June 12th, 2009 at 12:51am