Results of Being Pissed

Middle school sucks. People just have to blow up their problems and act like everything is so terrible when there are way worse things that could have happened. And pretending your problems are so horrible only makes them seem worse. So people get depressed and end up cutting themselves, thinking their heart is broken and their lives aren't worth living. And you have to work your way through all this shit that shouldn't be as bad as it is. And it seems like no one understands what you're going through, yet everybody does. Because, if you went through middle school, you know what it's like. I envy the people that somehow manage to keep themselves out of the drama. They might be very anti-social and get called geeks all the time, but they don't have it as bad as most of the social people. I never tried to be this social and popular. In a way, I'm not popular at all. But the drama just follows you around. You get involved with one person, and then the world is suddenly blown out of proportion. And after that one person leaves your life, the drama still stays. Your friends get involved with them, and more drama is created. Drama that you just don't need because that person already hurt you so badly. And the more drama that person creates for you the more you get over them and hate them. And I suppose that's a good thing, but in a huge way it isn't. I would rather have had the idea that this person wasn't so bad then actually realize the truth that they're an asshole. I want the memory of them to be nice, but it never will be now that I know the real them. Sometimes what people pretend to be is the thing you want them most to be. That's why they pretend. But they shouldn't. Because the pretending only hurts people when they find out the truth. And the lies might seem good at first because they're making you happy, but in the end the only thing that lies do is hurt. So why do we keep lying about everything? Really, what's the point? Rumors are so stupid, so why do we create them? Why do we spread them? Why do we only make things worse for ourselves? Why don't we realize how bad we're making it until halfway through the horrible problems are already in motion? Why do we break people's hearts? Why do we get our hearts broken? Why do we cry for someone when they aren't worth our time at all?
Why does puberty have to fucking exist?
June 12th, 2009 at 04:35am