Meg & Dia

Ok, so one day I was surfing the web and I found a music blog. I thought that discussing music was a good idea. So before I start I would like to say that this will mostly be my personal opinion. If you don't agree, then I'm sorry, but it's nothing personal. Also if you have any bands/ song you like and want me to talk about just tell me. I will try to keep things positive as well. And remember that suggestions are welcome.



For my first band review I want to talk about the band Meg & Dia. This is a band my friend Livvi96 told me about. My orginal opinion was that they were noohing special. Then I continued to listen a little more closely and I became impressed by thier lyrics.They have addtionaly been compared to Paramore. I also like how each song has a differant story behind it. Thier stories behind thier songs are also orginally themed. For example, thier song Bored Of Your Love is about (in my opinion) a girl wanting to break up with her boyfriend because she was bored of him and just didn't like hime anymore, while the boy wants to stay together because he still loves her. Now how many of those types of songs do you hear? I know I don't hear many like that. Also thier song Here Here & Here is also orginally themed. It is about composing and where to get your insperation. I find it an uplifting song that in it's self provides insperation. Thier two albums are called Here Here & Here and Something Real.Check them out. Tell me what you guys think.

Peace, Love, Happiness, and Music
June 12th, 2009 at 10:11pm