Everyone knew the secret but me.

Have you ever had a big secret go around, but you never knew it?
Well last year a huge secret got passed around about someone in my class. She told lot's of people, and most of those people turned out to be my best friends. They would talk about it, but I wasn't allowed in becuase I wasn't allowed to know. It was huge, the principal and everyone got invovled.

Of course naturally, I didn't want to seem like I really really wanted to know, but I did. The girl who it was about was my friend, but we were not very close. She told everyone im my "group" but one person. When my "group" would talk about it, me and that one person would sit and talk, us being the only ones that don't know.

Now currently I am very close to her. Of course I don't really mind not knowing now becuase the situation blew over. But today I found out that she told my best friend, the one that never knew about the secret. I thought she wasn't going to tell anyone else, but it turns out she did and I am not close enough with her to know. She's now one of my best friends, and everyone knows but me.

I know I shouldn't be so inquisitive, but I can't help it. I'm naturally that way.
June 12th, 2009 at 10:20pm