Organic nutrition's are for morons

This is about my day and anything else that comes to mind while I'm writing

So, the beginning of my day was pretty shitty. I woke up early for no reason. I was suppose to go to my friend's house and my dad was suppose to take me but he just left me while I was taking a shower so then I couldn't sleep until about 8 in the morning watching Sister, Sister in ABC Family. Then my cousin woke me up when she called so I was pissed because I hate it when I wake up to my phone. An hour later my step mom woke me up to go the mall and I wasn't going to go but I was already dressed because of my dad so I said yes but then my dad said he wouldn't pick us up after so I didn't go and instead stayed at home. There was absolutely no food in the fridge and no milk. I couldn't make mac & cheese or have cereal. This morning I had no breakfast and my lunch consisted of dried cereal and popcorn after I walked five blocks to the market under the heat of Miami's Summer Sun (100 degrees). I started to watch Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines while eating my popcorn but it was too much action so I went to On-Demand and watched the 2009 MTV Awards. I yelled at every time anyone in the Twilight cast won an award, and almost cried when they won the best movie. It wasn't that great. And yes, I laughed when Kristen dropped her award. After, I got bored so I just started reading whatever popped up on my computer. While reading I came up with a gift for my dad which is something I've never done. I'm going to paint something for him. My painting skills are alright. I've been in art for the past three years and I'm going to be in an Art program next year over at the high school. By this point I was really hungry but there was still nothing to eat until my dad came with pizza. That didn't make my day any better though because my dad started blaming me because the video I tried to make for his company didn't work in the usb and I couldn't put it up on You-Tube. I kept telling him it wasn't my fault Windows Movie Maker is gay but he kept repeating he wasn't blaming me even after he said I must have done something wrong. Right after I got mad at him again because he couldn't take me to the Library and he went to pick up my step mom and stepsister at the mall. Not Fair. Then I started painting and listening to music. My step mom bought milk so my dinner was three bowls of cereal. I checked my email and there was drama. High School hasn't even started and there is drama already. Wow. And Now I am here writing to keep my mind busy and entertained. Wohoo....

Okay so now that that's over...

I was over at a studio for a show recording two days ago. It was one of the bestest experiences I've had in a while. The show is in Spanish and fake. It's a court room with all sorts of weird cases and such. My step mom, stepsister, and I went to it to act a case. At first the case was suppose to be that our mom's boyfriend sexually abused of my sister and I was the one who ratted her out because she was actually in love with the guy. At first the guy was suppose to be about 40 years old but he couldn't make it to the recording so they had to call another guy. And that was where the case changed. The guy was 20. At first it was still sort of the same thing and by ourselves we were planning how it was going to go but the producer changed it so the case after was that our mom's boyfriend still abused of my sister but it was all a lie. The bad thing about this was that I had to talk. I was extremely nervous. At the beginning my mom and the guy were the only ones there and after my sister had to go into the court room but she didn't have to talk at all, she just had to nod or shake her head and keep on a sad face. Then I was called but right before being called I had the urge to use the restroom but I couldn't. So I entered the court...All eyes (and cameras) on me. I shook the judge's hand and she said to calm down because my hands were sweaty ( I was nervous) and that was embarrassing. Then I had to tell her how my sister had told me she was having sexual intercourse with the guy, that is what the producer told me to say but then the judge asked me if I had seen them together and that the producer didn't go over. I failed to notice that the producer was behind the cameras so I made up the first thing that came to my mind and then I had to admit that everything my sister and I said was a lie. I remember all of this because it's what I said, but I had completely blanked out before and after I spoke. Throughout the recording I wasn't suppose to laugh, and that was really hard, but thankfully I didn't laugh and I kept on a very sad face nodding and looking down guilty as charged. Then we finished recording and we left. The best part about all of this was the experience, most definitely but I also felt like Miley Cyrus at one point because I had to go into the make up room and then I had to change outfits because we were all wearing black. It was absolutely amazing! After recording we ate pizza but I didn't really eat it because the adrenaline kept me from eating and I just wanted to throw up. By that time it was already around 12 in the morning and we were there since 3 p.m. The 20 year old who was our "mom's boyfriend" drove us home in his very tiny car. Me being taller than the usual girls, kept hitting my head against the roof and I was pretty much curled in a ball with my stepsister on the back and then when getting out, my butt got stuck. It was very embarrassing but oh well, the guy was cute. We got home at 1:30 in the morning and it felt odd. Then I just went to bed and dreamed weird dreams all night long and like I do every night.

For being on the show, I got $100 which I don't want to spend on any junk like my sister did today (she's turning 17 on the 20th and bought herself gifts).

I just finished having laughing hysterics with my best friend on the phone for no reason at all and we started singing the Phineas and Ferb theme song and now I want to watch Phineas and Ferb.

-Chely. ( I need a new signature)

P.S. Organic nutrition's are very good for your health.

(I had to change 17 misspelled words)
June 13th, 2009 at 05:03am