Writer's Block

Why does writer's block always strike when you get a good idea?!

I know exactly where I want most of my stories to go, but it's getting them there that's my problem. Sticking to them, and keeping them up is really hard! Ah! I think going slow and occasionally updating is better, because it gives you more time to mull over thoughts and such, but when people say 'love it' or 'can't wait for more!' it makes you want to rush to please your readers or your audience or whatever. Do actual authors like Christopher Paolini and J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan and Stephenie Meyer have this problem, too?!

I'd love to be a real author, with a bestseller, but I also love it here with all the other authors who write just for entertainment. But, man, do I feel sorry for real authors, with their millions of readers eagerly awaiting the next installment or whatever, but I think with my 30-ish readers, I get a little portion of that. What do you do about the writer's block though?! Sometimes I really wonder how authors keep churning out books, or how some people on here can churn out chapters like there's no tomorrow! I wish the plague of writer's block would just leave me be because I feel AWFUL when I can't update for the few readers I actually have!!!

Anyone know any other way to stop writer's block?
June 13th, 2009 at 11:43pm