Questions On Bi-ness?

Now let me say; I love to fool around wiff a girl every once in a while; its fun.

I have a question; && this isn't supposed to be rude or anything. It really is a question I'd like to understand.

You know when Bi people have girlfriends && boyfriends at the same time? I don't get how that works if your trying to have a real and serious relationship. I mean I've always been been raised; from movies and person experience, that you can only truly love wiff one person at one time. I mean if you just messing around wanting a fun time then I can see why you'd have both, having the best of both worlds.

Butt if your really out there, I mean, really looking to be in love wiff that special person then how can you do that if when you go out to din-din, your holding hands wiff your girl and your guy? Wont one of them, or both of them or even all three of you, end up hurt? You'll have to pick one or neither in the end. I just don't understand why you'd even want to do that to yourself or the other two people. Wouldn't you want to just be happy wiff the girl or the guy?

I just never understood why you'd want a girlfriend and a boyfriend at the same time if you can't really give it 100% to them both and know that its going to be like that forever and always. Because I have a boyfriend and I don't want to share him wiff anyone. & you know when your dating someone you want to spend 24/7 wiff them, what do you do wiff the other person or if you feel that way about both of them? How do you mange it?
June 14th, 2009 at 02:02am