I have a problem, Mibba. Help Me.

So, one of my really good friends is no longer acting like one of my really good friends. Ever since she started hanging out with this other girl, she's been getting more and more distant. She just moved here last year, and my other friend and I were her first friends. But now it seems like the other girl is more important to her. She spends all of her time with her. We noticed that our friend seems to move through best friends here. At first it was me, and my one friend. Then it was this complete bitch named Emma. And now it's another girl. Now, her new best friend is pretty nice, don't get me wrong. She's funny, and nice. When she wants to be. She can be kind of catty and overly-dramatic, though. It really bugs me, but I don't want to seem like jealous or territorial. I'm not that kind of person. Should I tell her how I feel? Or should I let her work it out? It's a really hard choice. If you're reading this, Marcia, you know you're telling her with me. There's no way I'd do that all alone. If I even do it at all. Rargh.

June 14th, 2009 at 05:02am