What I don't "get"

Okay so today i "went" to a party(yea idc if no one looks at this but i have to let it out somehow). One of my friends invited me to her birthday so i said why not? she said "oh dont worry about it they wont bug you i promise" Well 2pm came along n ofcourse this stupid ass computer doesnt work :-P went at 4 something I get there so im like ok........

I walk in hand over the hallmark gift to Kristi n what do i see? the faces of the two people who hate my guts. I dont even know one of the chick's name INSANE the other is just Rebecca yea i'll say her name....she's just a person who means nothing to me its her actions that repulse me

She just stares at me when I walk in, half ignoring her, half hoping she will acknoledge the little white flag on my back well she DID NOT. She jumped to the closest person n still staring at me, starts whispering to her as if Kristi's family werent loud enough. She points at my direction, I look around.......nothing is near me except a white wall n some stairs. They laugh as she points so I look away, it's summer I wont deal with her. So I look for someone I know n so I find Lilli THANK YOU!!!!! whoever put her there, she said something about that one other chick n boom i feel as if someone stabbed me, i turn n look at the face of a 4 ft tall demon. What she told me: "whata fuck are you doing here emo bastard? move out of my way" WELLLLLL 1. i've never had an actual conversation with her past the counselor's office, 2. dont know her name, 3. i barely met her at the beginning of the school year that just ended, 4. Whats with the stereotype?!

My point is: I don't comprehend why people do this to others they don't know i ended up leaving after 5 minutes cuz they wouldnt stop n Kristi's family just stared at the white trash that walked into their door but thats something else I wont get into. Really? Why are they doing this? They dont know me, they always cuss me out, they push me around and try to put me down(thats a fail but today wuz a special wtf?! moment).

No classes with them, no revengeful events just one day i saw a blur of pink n the next moment i'm in a war with no weapons on my end. How can some 15 year old chick be like that? More importantly: how can anyone have that goal in mind: to destroy someone else in any way possible? Yea i know not everyone can like me but why hate me when you dont know me? It isn't like I walked in one day asking for it, they decided on it no reasons given and now no one believes me.....long story
June 14th, 2009 at 05:11am