crayons taste like orange

Most of us have been searching for a light. Someone who can make us see the beauty in a world so awful. Someone to save us from ourselves. Someone to make our own purpose clear. It's taken me a while, but I think I'm finally starting to understand how all of this works. We need jerks in this world, so that we can realize how much we don't actually need them. It's confusing, I know.

For example:
Let's say your dating the same guy/girl for 2 years. Everythings perfect. Then one day, out of the blue.. He/She breaks up with you. Days later he/she is on to the next one. We're heartbroken, wondering what we did wrong, our friends tell us we don't need him/her but we insist that we do.
"It's their loss, you deserve better" ..
We've all heard that one before, and we all hate hearing it.
With time, we get over the break up, and start loving and trusting again. We're stronger, more cautious, and since we've lost, we know what it's really like to love.
Was your ex a jerk? Yes. Did you really need them? No. But since you were stuck with them for a while anyways, did it help you in the long run? YES.

We need to feel like shit once in a while, so that we can truly appreciate happiness. And I- like most people- thought that I needed someone in order to be happy. Whether it be a close friend, or a boy/girl friend. After a few years of heartache and loss I've come to the conclusion that we only need ourselves. We are responsible for our own happiness. Why do we seek a light from others if we can't access our own light? Why do we chase after people that walk out of our lives when we know we're better off?

Well, because we're only human. We live in a crazy, sick twisted world.
Your heart will break. You will cry. You will feel worthless.
You'll also feel loved, appreciated. You'll find true happiness, and where you belong. And you will fulfill your purpose.
June 15th, 2009 at 01:57am