A Ranting Journal.

I wrote this the other night but haven't gotten around to posting it till today. Obviously. This has been a ticking time bomb, and it finally exploded.

Answer me these questions. Why is it that if you haven't dated by the time you're ten, you're considered an ugly loser? Why is it that if you don't have sex by fourteen, you're considered weird and a "goody two shoes"? Oh, and my God, if you're not a parent by the time you're sixteen, you're just a pathetic waste of oxygen to the planet.

This rant has built up in me, and now, I can't stand it and I need to let it out. I am SO SICK of people (and society in general) getting on my case about stuff. I'm sixteen for God's sake, I'm still a kid. So what if I don't drive yet? So what if I don't work yet? Is it wrong that I still would just adore some more time to be a FREAKING KID (WHICH IS WHAT I AM, THANK YOU)? Just because a kid is sixteen doesn't mean she should have:

1) dated
2) had sex
3) popped out a child
4) learned how to drive
5) claimed to be an independent adult, and
6) worked.

Excuse number one: "BUT WTF LOL!!!11! Rachie, back in Biblical days, girlies popped out children at like thirteen lol!!! Ur st00pid for not thinkin' of that, lol, dumb betch."

If you think guys, and girls, are as mature nowadays as they were back then, then you have a serious issue. Guys nowadays atthirteen sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and so on (I could be here all night) have nothing but sex going around in their heads. Back then, they had work, RESPECT, and values. Nowadays, the majority have nothing of the kind. And don't even get me started on the girls. They're little wh*res by the time they're ten and wearing makeup. I'm sixteen and don't wear makeup. Why cover up who you really are to get a guy's attention? He's gonna see you without the makeup one day, you know, and perhaps he won't like what he sees.


Yeah, exactly.

Alright, I feel better! Seriously. Don't push me to learn how to drive. If I don't learn until I'm thirty, that's my prerogative. Don't push me to have sex. I'll do it when I'm ready. Don't force me to be a teen mother. First off, there's no way in HELL you could make me become a teen mother. I'm not that naive. I know it's stupid for CHILDREN to be popping out children. Don't push me to have a billion boyfriends before I'm eighteen. If I want to wait to date, that, too, is my prerogative. Don't force me to be an adult. I'm still a child. And lastly, don't force me to work. That, too, is my choice, and I'm not ready for that responsibility.

Yeah, I'm one of the few decent girls left on planet Earth. I don't want to grow up, either. I'm not forcing anything.

And you know what?

I'm proud of myself.
June 15th, 2009 at 02:48am