Hey, my name is Melissa and I am a really big fan of you guys and your music. Your music is beyond inspiring to me! I love your music because there’s always that one song from you guys that makes me think about all the positive aspects in my life and got me out of that shy quiet corner that I’ve been hiding in. That one song that gives me more confidence and inspiration and tells me that I should take the shot, dare to dream and follow my heart. I also love your music because your message in every song is so loud and clear. Not many bands can change my life like you guys did and that’s why you guys are so unique and special. You made a huge difference in my life! And I can not thank you enough, even me writing this letter to you guys isn’t enough of a “Thank You” for me. Thanks to you and your music, I found who I am and I am fourteen years old and I’m in high school. And when you’re in high school, it’s super hard to find who you are but your inspiring songs and lyrics got me where I am today, your songs made me who I am.

To the parents (Denise and Kevin Sr.): A BIG thank you goes to you because you’re both very encouraging and you’re the reason your sons are who they are today. I usually describe everything with the word, “amazing”, but the way you raised your sons is just beyond words can describe. You both have every single right to be proud of your sons and how they’ve grown up.

To the Jonas Brothers: I love you as a band because you guys don’t try to be anybody you’re not. You write your own lyrics and music which is really inspiring and moving. Whenever I hear any of your songs, my heart just melts and all of my problems and fears go away because of that one note you hit and because of your messages in your songs. Your songs mean the world to me! You guys are amazing, awesome, wonderful, marvelous, magnificent, smart, fun, graceful, joyful, funny, spontaneous, brave, independent, incredible, confident, heartfelt, passionate, nice, caring, loving, kind, generous, spectacular… (And now I’m starting to run out of adjectives)…TYPE OF GUYS!

To Kevin: I love you Kevin because you’re so full of grace and joy and you are a true sweet heart. You’re not afraid to be yourself, you’re funny, and you have a great fun spirit. And the way you play the guitar, it looks and feels like passion. You’re really nice, considerate and sincere. You have such a big heart and such a great voice. You’re a ‘down to earth’ type of guy and a huge sweet teddy bear! You’re sense of style in clothes proves that you’re not a follower and that you create your own style. You wear things that describe you and who you are. You’re not afraid to stand out and wear the styles you love. You made me grasp the fact that if you don’t fit it...than stand out! Thanks to you, I wear styles and outfits that represent me and who I am. You also made me understand that staying true to yourself is the key to everything. You’re an ‘indescribable guy’! I cannot describe you with just one word. It feels as if that one perfect word doesn’t exist. I can go on for hours looking through a dictionary, seeking for that one perfect word to describe you…and I still won’t find it.

To Joe: I love you Joe because you’re not afraid to be who you are and your voice is so moving whenever you sing. Watching you grow from a young wacky 16 year old to a more mature, but yet still crazy and fun 19 year old is what makes you so unique. It’s like you have no fears what so ever. You’re not afraid to be yourself, you’re not afraid to dress the way you do and you’re not afraid to do wacky and remarkable stunts while you’re performing on stage. You being fearless is just so fantastic because being brave will get you far. You can truly face any obstacle and situation in your life without doubting yourself or being fearful. You have taught me to step out of my comfort zone and be confident and fearless. You’ve made me a stronger person. Thanks to you, I am now ready to face any obstacle that life throws my way. You’re personality is one in a million! You’re really funny and loving. Your sense of style in clothes proves that you are who you are and that you dress for yourself and not for anyone else or like anyone else. You don’t care what other people think of your style in clothes or else you wouldn’t be wearing purple pants and pink shirts anymore. You are a true individual.

To Nick: I love you Nick because you’ve grown tremendously. You’re a wonderful role-model for children who are diagnosed with Diabetes. You’re so optimistic and courageous because you get up on stage every night and perform your self-written song “A Little Bit Longer” and tell your story about the day you were diagnosed with Diabetes. You are right Nick...your Diabetes isn’t slowing you down and it never will. “I thought the popular kids were the cool kids. I got caught up in that, and it was bogus. High school is about finding who you are because that's more important than trying to be someone else.”...When you said that, you made me realize how I should just be myself and not change who I am. Thanks to you, I am not afraid to be who I am and I won’t change who I am because I know better than to do that to myself. You made me recognize that there is a big world out there...a world that is bigger than high school...a world where it won’t matter if I was the prom queen or the most popular kid or the biggest geek. Because in the end, it’s being different and unique that counts. High school is the hardest battle to fight because you’re surrounded by a group of intimidating people who are trying their very best to transform you into being someone you’re not and trying to make you into everyone else. Thanks to you, I’m just being me and not that “everyone else”. You’re not only going to change your fans lives or other Diabetics’re going to change the whole world someday...with either that unbelievable amount of confidence, strength and courage that you have inside of you or with you’re loving and special heart. You are a true hero.

I’m writing you this letter to let you know how much of an inspiration you are to me. I felt that it was very important for you guys to know how much you’ve changed my life and what you all taught me. I’d also like to share the honest story behind this letter...It took me quite some time to write this letter and put all of my thoughts together and I knew that when I was finished, I would send it to you. Almost a year later, I still didn’t send this letter and I was asking my friends for their feedback and what they thought of it and basically I was stalling. I was too scared to send you this letter because I felt like it wasn’t good enough and that there was always something missing. I also wanted you guys to enjoy my letter and truly understand how much you all mean to me. Every time, I re-read my letter to myself, I kept thinking that it was too cheesy or too boring. I wanted this letter to mean something to you guys because it means a lot to me. I needed plenty of guts to send you this letter because I kept doubting myself that it wasn’t good enough and that I still needed to make more changes. In the end, I put my insecurities aside and decided to send you guys my letter in hopes that you’ll love it and hopefully write back to me someday.

P.S .... All of you have big incredible hearts...and don’t let anyone every take that away from you!
June 15th, 2009 at 05:16pm