Don't Charge Me For The Crime

Ah okay so this is KIND of in response to Katelyn’s journal. I totally respect her opinion. But I think there’s always two sides to every argument, and in this case, I REALLY see the other side of this particular argument. So Katelyn, I’m not trying to be mean, nor am I trying to tell you you’re wrong. This is just how I see this whole thing.

Okay so firstly, yes, the JoBros have changed. But really? Did anyone expect any differently? I mean, they are human, try as we might to make them overly perfect in our fan fictions, they are still human teenage boys. Perfection… such a hard thing to try to obtain – so hard that it isn’t even possible. No one is perfect. And just because we loved them or they’re famous doesn’t mean they are perfect. Purity rings or not, all teenage boys are the same. We always think that the guys we know are really the same, so why not them? I mean, being in the spotlight doesn’t make them immune to teenage thoughts. They get turned on by girls, as we’ve clearly seen with Joe’s multiple joners. And they can be assholes, as we’ve seen with the whole Taylor Swift thing. Main point? They’re still people, and people change.

That brings me to the second point. Change. It’s clearly a good thing. Isn’t that what the whole country is aiming for right now? I understand that people want the JoBros to remain as they are, as the guys they love, but no one stays the same forever. And with their music, it’s true, some of their older songs ARE better, but they’re trying to grow as musicians and broaden their horizons. As fans, we should support them and not want them to stay back tracked. After all, they’re growing up. They aren’t going to be this boy band on Disney Channel forever. In my opinion, pre-Hollywood Record days with It’s About Time are the best. I remember seeing them in a concert at the mall when I was deeply in love with Busted, the original singers of the songs What I Go To School For and Year 3000. Then they joined Hollywood Records, and I still loved them. Their second album was absolutely amazing. The songs were, in a word, amazing. This was around the time my dad passed away and I listened to When You Look Me In The Eyes, Eternity and Nick’s first solo album’s Appreciate on repeat for about 2 months. Not even going to lie, those songs really helped me get through that. Their popularity then was rising. Girls everywhere were falling in love. And honestly? You all know we were some of those girls, otherwise we wouldn’t be writing fan fictions about them. XD A Little Bit Longer came out, and it was good. Not as good, maybe because a lot of the songs had a different style. But they were starting to figure out who they were as musicians. They were experimenting with different things. Is that really so bad? The songs on it were still good. And people were still into them. Their new album Lines, Vines, and Trying Times – I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. I like the songs, but they aren’t as great as the old ones. It’s obvious the boys are still experimenting. They’re trying to grow as artists, and that’s awesome. Power to them. Clearly, some things work, and others don’t.

And as for their personal love lives… The thing with Taylor and Miley and Selena… honestly? It’s none of our business to judge them for it. Sure we can make our opinions but in the end, we don’t know them. We don’t know the whole story with anything, and so our opinions aren’t actually accurate. Yeah breaking up with Taylor over the phone was a pretty crappy thing for Joe to do, but he may have had his own reasons. For example, wasn’t he like on tour in Europe at the time or something? We don’t know. And that’s exactly my point. True fans or just bandwagoners, we don’t know them. I am FAR from their biggest fan, even if I am in LOVE with Joe, but even their biggest fans don’t actually know everything about them. There’s always two sides to a story, and the media loves drama. They want to play everything up to the worst, and unfortunately for Jonas followers, that isn’t always the best thing. It leaves too much room for speculation. But that’s what it all is… speculation. We don’t know if his reasons were legit or not, because we don’t know them.

That brings me to my next point… fan fiction writers. We all do it obviously. We write stories about these three boys where they are portrayed as the knight in shining armor or the best friend turn true love or the perfect guy. But in reality? Who is really like that? Guys aren’t perfect. Even with my boyfriend and my ex-boyfriend, they have flaws. We write these stories that are more like fairytales. And slowly, though not intentionally, we start to believe that’s how these guys are. We see Nick as they shy, quite, good listening best friend who is the sweetest guy ever really or we see Joe as the fun loving ride in on a white horse savior. Or we see Kevin as the guy of our dreams slash best advice giver. But that’s not how they really are. That’s not how any guy really is. Not saying we do this intentionally, but it could cause a bias in how we think of the actual boys. I mean, who doesn’t want to imagine one of them as your knight in shining armor? And seeing them as anything but can be disappointing, no?

And oh my gosh, the Nick smiling thing? Just face it man. He’s a serious, intense guy. He doesn’t smile as much as his brothers or anyone really. Personally? I don’t think it has anything to do with Miley. I just think that’s how he is. A girl doesn’t need a guy to define who she is, and Nick definitely does not need Miley Cyrus to smile. But then again, who knows? He might. Though if you look at pictures from even before, he didn’t smile too much then either.

I’m not going to lie I get kind of mad when people say the fame is getting to their heads. I’m all for respecting people’s opinions. But this one thing really irks me. The JoBros are in the spotlight 24/7. They have millions of girls, some hotter than others, throwing themselves at them. This goes back to my first point. They are teenage boys! Of course if they see millions of girls pining for them, they’re going to get slightly cocky. I mean, it’s inevitable. I know that if a million guys were trying to get at me, I would think I was the shit. And I know most of you are like that too. That much attention does not escape egos. But still, if you look at them, they still have meet and greets. They still have live chats. They still have all these things for the fans. They haven’t forgotten the people who got them where they are today… us. And sure, they seem different, but that’s all apart of the change. People change. It’s life. But with the JoBros… they’re in the spotlight 247. Having cameras in your face all the time can probably get extremely annoying. Their business is ALWAYS out there for the world to see. If they make a mistake, it isn’t a oh you’ll do better next time. They are scrutinized every single day. Again with the teenage aspect. Regular teens make mistakes and they learn and they grow. Their mistakes aren’t put on the web or brought to the attention of millions of people who idolize them. The JoBros are growing up. I mean, they started this in their teens. And two of them are still in those years. Honestly, wouldn’t you just want to live a little without having everyone always in your business if you were in their shoes?

So my point? Joe, Nick, and Kevin are all teenage boys. They change. They grow. They make mistakes. I personally AM having my love for them partially die down. But I think that’s mostly because I’m getting older and I’ve been obsessed with them for so long. Interests change. Just like people. And sure the boys have changed, but personally, we don’t know them in person. So I don’t really think that we have a right to just judge them about it.

Katelyn before you get mad, I’m not trying to be rude or mean or anything. I do respect your opinion. This is just mine.

haha this is really long... sorry about that XD

Britt brought this up and I think it’s a really good point and should be stated here. You kind of have to feel bad for them. One day they were on top of the world, not so long ago, and now they’re losing their fame. You kind of have to feel bad for them. It must be scary, knowing your fans are losing interest. They love making music, they’ve made that much clear. I remember in the seventeen magazine article with them, Joe said that if they were playing in their garage again they would be just as happy. Yeah they may be, but it kind of makes you think… if you’ve been washed out, there’s always a little disappointment and rejection and the sense of failure there. I mean, they rose to fame QUICKLY, partly because of their music and partly because they’re hot. And now they fall just as quickly? It kind of makes you feel bad.
June 15th, 2009 at 08:20pm