To Be Published Or Not

Not being published is no fun. All of us writers can probably tell you that. Sometimes, I think I spend too much time on the fact that my story is not published yet. Nonetheless, I am not ready to give up. Journal, why should I give up on something I have put all of my heart in? Something that completes who I really am.
I had (at first) tried to get a publisher, but so many want you to have an agent; they usually state We do not accept non-solicited writers. Yeah, so without an agent, the list is lowered a lot! Once I got a reply from Durrance Publishing, only to find out that they didn't really plan on publishing my book, but rather just take my moeny. After awhile, I got some great advise that I should get an agent first, who can help me get a publisher.
Wow, agents aren't any easier to get than publishers; I can tell you that! The good thing, however, is that an agent is supposed to represent you and your book and doesn't get any money until you do -when your book is published. So far, the road to get an agent sounds more promising, though it isn't any easier.
Watch Out For Liars!
My most important advise to myself (that I keep reminding me of) and to others are that there are (sadly) a lot of people that don't really care if they break our hearts and our wallets in this world. All they want is to get some quick money, and then you never hear from them again. Many publishers (I haven't met an agent who has been in this category, but I am sure there are) ask for money right up. First of all, if it costs for them to just read your book, don't bother sending it to them. Secondly, if they tell you it will cost you $______.00 to publish your book, that is unfair.
A writer once told me (and I wish I knew his/her name, but he/she would not say) that if someone asks for money to publish your book -leave them!
Self publishing? Eh, it involves you (the writer) doing a lot of work -selling books to stores, etc, etc. Createspace (on Amaazon) is a self publishing thing you can use, but I will only use it as my last resort. Still, if you self publish and your book gets really popular, a publisher may say they will take you on.
A writer is a writer, no matter his or her age!
I will keep writing, and I hope all that read this are inspired to do the same!
June 15th, 2009 at 09:14pm