(almost) Sixteen Candles

So, my birthday's coming up. July 25, right in the middle of summer.

Yea, it's my Sweet Sixteen.

I feel awkwardly older than that though. My age I am now just doesnt't fit with how old I feel. Have you ever just been tired of the people around you because you've simply outgrown them? Not that it's a bad thing to be young and act young, but I've always been the middle-aged teenager. It annoys the HELL outta me when my friends do stupid stuff just for the sake of standing out. I don't want to yell and make everyone pay attention to me. And I can't understand chatspeak! I love my friends though. They're good people.

But they just.. aren't like me.

On the other hand, I get to redo my room completely as a present. Woo-hoo. Any ideas?
June 15th, 2009 at 09:26pm