Question, Am I Weird? (Emotion)

I was thinking about this the other day, am i weird because i cry when i am shocked (negatively). What i mean is, for example, a couple weeks ago my mom said that i could go to my friend's house, but the day i was supposed to go she told me that i couldn't anymore, i cried because it shocked me, i didn't see it coming. Or when I was on the bus for my softball teams away game and the coach kicked me off the bus because i wasn't at school that day and wouldn't let me come to watch the game, i cried because that shocked me. Also when me knee gave out at me during practice, I cried because it shocked me. I never cry when I get hurt, like trip, getting punched, or when i get a bad grade on a report card. So it seems that i only cry when 1, i dont see it coming (it shocks me) and 2, its negative (like not a surprise party, which would be positive). Am I weird?
June 16th, 2009 at 03:20am