I'm in love with a fairytale...

That song has been stuck in my head for absolutely ages. Silly eurovision contest songs that are amazingly rubbish and addictive...

So me and the boyf. We're all okay now.
We just said we would start again as well we havent exactly had the best start to a relationship.
First with his best mate telling me a load of crap and calling Jake a c*nt etc.
Now with the whole Isle of Wight thing.
But we just said we're going to put it all behind us and move on.
Which is good because it's all I want to do tbh.

Even if my "gangsta" friend is going to "have a word with him and break his jaw" when he next sees Jake and I'm not around.
I can't even stop him that's the worst thing...
I love my friends tbf. They won't let anyone hurt me or try anything on.
They're just the best.
Should probably try and stop Gully beating Jake up though *thoughtful face*
I'll get on that next time I see him...
June 16th, 2009 at 06:58pm