The truth about girls

We love gossip.
Gossip isn't a sin, it's an art.
'Fine' never means anything good.
We are never too old to play dress up.
We love Ben & Jerry's more than you.
We aren't too proud to ask for directions.
We must go to the bathroom in groups.
It takes an hour to look anywhere near good.
We create drama.
My stilettos may look hot but they hurt like a bitch.
We get moody, learn to accept, understand, and deal with the fact.
We love the little things.
We love cuddling in your hoodie.
Midol is crack. End of story.
Sometimes we wish boys still had cooties.
If you take our chocolate, it will get ugly.
We're better than boys.
We love to sing in the shower.
We will never be too old for sleepovers.
If you can make us laugh, you can make us do anything.
'Luv ya' never will be the same as 'love you'.
We aren't ashamed to cry.
We travel in packs.
We're always right, even when we're wrong.
We can't get enough of The Notebook.
Random compliments are the best ones.
We will always win the arguments. Quit trying.
We need girls nights- often.
Our three favorite words- Let's Go Shopping.
It doesn't matter who dumped who or why, whenever we see an ex with another girl, it bothers us.
Good girls are just bad girls who don't get caught.
Boys break hearts, girls do not.
We want you to call us at 3 AM just to say 'I Love You.'
Even when we say we hate you, and hit you, like we expect it to hurt, we still love you, and expect you to make it all better.
We talk and laugh loud just to get your attention.
If you mess with our friends we will mess you up.

this is a cute email i got today....
June 16th, 2009 at 11:37pm