75 Confessions

1. i cry when I get angry. Not out of being upset or anything, i just out of frustration.

2. i fight with my best friend almost every week, but we get over it in twenty minutes.

3. i can't be with the same person for more then probably 48 hours, i can't deal with their annoying habits no matter what they are.

4. im fluent in french, and have been for many years now. anytime i go to the states i speak french.

5. speaking of parties, im usually the designated driver. and i've resorted to charging my friends if they do it often for gas money, because im too broke to pay the bills, haha.

6. if im not the designated driver, im ALWAYS the first one to dance on the tables.

7. i can't even begin to count how many pairs of socks i've thrown out because of sticky floors at parties. and sticky table tops.

8. in my table dancing experiences, i've knocked over six drinks, hit my head on the lights three times and jumped off and hurt my ankle every time.

9. although i am a partier, i know my limits and i know when i go too far. im never too drunk to restrain myself.

10. at just about every party, i've been offered a drug or a cigarette. and at every party i've denied. and scolded my friends who gave in.

11. smoking is one think i could never in a million years try. no matter who offers and in what mindset, i will never smoke.

12. i made a promise when i was eight year old to my aunt i'd never smoke. i remember the moment when we walked down the steps of the old DEC building and she asked me to promise her, i remember that moment every time someone offers.

13. i've always been a floater in high school. not the schools bully, and not the victim. i don't stand by and watch bullying either, it's unacceptable.

14. i secretly wish to be valedictorian next year.

15. i swear like a sailor. who can blame me? i have brothers and boys for best friends.

16. i can burp on command. and i could win in a burping contest.

17. i've never had motion sickness in my life.

18. i've always wished i were a gymnast. or a dancer. or a violinist.

19. i can sleep standing up, no problem.

20. i can sleep through thunderstorms. and i could probably sleep through earthquakes, but ive never lived through one.

21. my ultimate dream would be to be a singer. but i know that's practically impossible.

22. im such a nerd. and not that popular girl thinking she's a nerd because they play rock band. im the nerd because i wear science shirts and enter in every provincial math and science contest available at my school. i usually place fairly high.

23. im so proud of my education because i sometimes feel like school is all i have going for me. my godsister and best friend unintentionally put me down and say that im either an under achiever or overweight or unattractive. school is the only thing im better at then them.

24. im petrified of failure.

25. im so terrified of my future. and i have no clue if being a lawyer is the right thing for me, even though im good in law class.

26. the only place i feel like i belong is on a soccer field.

27. i secretly wish i could earn a scholarship for soccer to a state school. two of my friends are going to the US for soccer on full scholarships. im unbelievably jealous. one's goign to Rhode Island and the other is going to Michigan.

28. i've always been horrible at basketball.

29. i can't sit through an entire meal without spilling something on myself.

30. as soon as i walk through the door to my house, im up the stairs to change into pyjamas.

31. if i could have the wardrobe of any celebrity, i'd choose demi lovato.

32. celebrity's hair i could steal - no doubt in my mind it'd be taylor swift.

33. im afraid that after high school i will loose all of my french.

34. my grandpa is loosing his memory. he can't even remember to go to the bathroom anymore. in his own words, he's surprised he can even remember who is family is at first glance. my dad has a short memory and im terrified that i will be like that when i grow up.

35. a student at our rival school died in the middle of class all of a sudden. his death could not have been predicted or prevented. it happened so suddenly. im scared something like that could happen to me.

36. i dream of moving to ireland when im older.

37. im still on the fence on the whole purity ring ordeal. i know im nowhere near ready for sex yet, and i have strict standards. but im not sure if i could label myself as pure until marriage because im afraid i could fail myself.

38. although im afraid of a lot of things, i can't live in fear. toronto is a dangerous city, and many people from my suburban city just outside of it are afraid of toronto. they wont even let their children go there for a day trip. i think it's wrong, because anything can happen anywhere.

39. i only drink water out of my red sox cups, because out of glass cups the water smells like wet dog and it's extremely unappetizing.

40. i can recite every single word to Anchorman.

41. im self conscious of one of my teeth, i think its longer then it's twin tooth on the other side.

42. i've only thrown up after drinking one time.

43. ive never had a hangover, i've only ever woken up still drunk.

44. some of my american friends think its weird how often canadian teenagers drink. it's probably because its easier to access here. drinking age is nineteen. for fake IDs, it's a lot easier to have a picture of yourself because it's easier to pass off as nineteen then twenty one.

45. my brothers see my teenage friends at the LCBO and The Beer Store all the time using their fake ids. they really try to refrain from converstion.

46. i've never had a drunken hook up.

47. my friend alex and i had to climb over three pointy wire fences while running from the police when a party got busted. we were freaking out and thought they were chasing us.

48. cops in my city live to shut down teenage parties and bush parties.

49. ive never been to a bush party.

50. i love cottage life.

51. Camp Rock is filmed an hour outside of my city in Muskoka, the cottage town. weekend trips to the cottage when they start filming is a necessity.

52. the only make up i wear is to cover the bags under my eyes.

53. i look horrible with eye make up. and my lips are too big for lip gloss.

54. i used to straighten my hair every day until january. that was when i unveiled my lion hair to the rest of the world. caused quite the little stir in my group of friends, haha.

55. I have two friends who are girls, the rest are boys. We call it our bromance.

56. i've never really gotten along with girls. im not the primping and the 'oh my god' squealing type. im relaxed, i like sports, and i can burp like no other.

57. i've never dyed my hair.

58. i've never used a face mask or had a facial.

59. any guy who is good to his mother is good in my books.

60. im the slowest eater on the face of the planet.

61. i hate steak, ribs and pork. just give me a cheeseburger and im alright.

62. i wish i had curly curly curly hair.

63. im a canadian and im incredibly proud of it. theres no other place to live for me then here.

64. girlfriends always try to weasle their way into the bromance. but they act like a wall, it's frustrating and annoying, but there's no coming between my bros and i.

65. i know that any serious boyfriend i have, will HAVE to understand that my friends are guys and there will be times that i hang out with the guys along. if they have a problem with that, they can leave. bros before bros.

66. i love frank sinatra. future boyfriends should also beware that i listen to him in the car.

67. it's either sinatra or country 95.3 in my car.

68. i have weird saying like "more then the average bear" that i get from my dad.

69. i am EXACTLY like my dad. same sense of humour, same mannerisms and same laugh.

70. my cheeks are so big that they make my eyes squint when i smile.

71. they say people laugh fifteen times a day. i laugh fifteen times an hour.

72. without laughter, i don't think i could exist.

73. my friends and i practically live on the roof of our school.

74. we also drive around in a Euro camper van, and aspire to pool our money together and buy a party house. it's always a joke, but we make it every day.

75. i dream big and aspire big. im not meant to live in suburbia my whole life.
June 17th, 2009 at 04:12am