life, love, and other things that come to mind.

i love life. the idea of it. making friends you'll keep forever.boyfriends that mean the world to you. finding your one true love! it all seems great. those days when you go partying and all you can remember is the fun time you had. i want to experience it all. honestly i don't want to do anything fancy with my life i want to bar tend that all and move around the place. the minute i get bored I'm ganna be like, screw this place pack my back grab a map and choose somewhere exciting to go.i want to settle down eventually but not if i don't find "The One" because to me life is about finding yourself then finding someone you love. and I'm find with just myself. i don't want to have to wake up in 50 years and go, "why" when i see me husbands face. i want to wake up and look up and his face adoringly and think "i love this man" and sometimes i look around and its like people just got tired of waiting for their "One". and i refuse end up like that. I'd rather be happy and alone, then depressed and married.
June 17th, 2009 at 09:32am