Caps On My Poems

So, I was reading the comments on my poems left by you readers out there and it seems you readers don't like that I put my poems in all caps........Here's the thing: I've always typed my poems in caps just because it looks better that way...I thank you for your comments and opinions about the caps, but, I most likey won't change it just because that's how i'm used to typing it and, well, my computer sucks so I'd have to re-type the poem in lowercase instead of just uploading it to Mibba...I'm sorry for the inconveince that it may hurt your eyes, and it has been brought up to my attention, but the bashing about the caps: could you not bash about it? I wouldn't bash about any of you readers' entries or material being in caps...I hope you continue with whatever comments you wish to leave, all comments are read and appreciated because it lets me know how my poems/songs are...

Rayne Hallen
June 17th, 2009 at 06:15pm