I really wish I had like, a money tree right about now, because then I can like, buy pretty purses, summer dresses, and like I totally have to buy tha

Like, Bless the Lord I don't like, talk like that, because then like, that would be totally, like weird but like Oh-M-G Edward Cullen is like so hawt and like I totally hate that Bella girl, I mean, I'm like so much prettier than her, like I should totally be with Edward Cullen cause like, we are soo cute together. Like, Oh-M-G!

I did really wish I had a money tree right now. But don't we all?
My dad keeps telling me to send money to my grandma in Cuba, but where am I going to get it from? I don't work, and I really wish I could. I wish I had a billion dollars. First I'd help bring my family from Cuba, then I'd give to charity, then I'd buy a house, not a mansion. Then buy a house for my grandma and cousins. And after save the rest for College and University.

Yesterday I spent the entire day with my best friend while she took her Quince's pictures. It was a very hot day. Her pictures were being taken at a park right by the ocean. It was beautiful and all but the temperature was way too hot. The photographer was cute but he kept getting on my nerves. I had a camera but he told me not to take any while he was. I totally understood that but seriously right before he started taking pictures couldn't I have just take one little one? No, I couldn't. His attitude is what mostly got on my nerves, but he was cute.

I day dreamed that when I grew up and became a photographer I met with him again and I said "I know you from somewhere..." then we'd hit it off right away and we'd get married, move to L.A. and have three kids. Then I'd divorce him and marry Tom Cruise but I'd figure he was too old, but I'll marry him for the money. Then I'd divorce him, steal his money, and go live in an Island far away with a huge house and servants all to myself and eventually have girlfriends over so we can get drunk and see male strippers.

I can dream, can't I?

I finally figured out what I'm getting my dad for Father's Day and that is a gift card to Outback Steakhouse (his favorite restaurant). I still have to ask my step mom if she will throw in half of the money, though.

Wanting to go off to college already,
June 18th, 2009 at 03:00am