My Friends and other Wacky things


Serena - Best friends since so long we don't even know. The only person that thinks i'm in innocent. The ONLY person i trust my life with -seriously she out does my mom-. Teaches me things everyday even though she's a year younger than me. The only person that will let me kill her little brother if he deserved it. The only person that would buy me real flowers if i was dead instead of the cheap fake ones. And well she's so cute with her little eighth graderness. She Rox!!

Brianna - Good friends since the beginning of the school year. The only person that will kill me if I piss her off. The only person that would be roasting marshmallows and flirting with the firemen if my house was on fire. And the one that would steel my exam or test if it meant she would pass. The only one that would splash hot coffee on me wake me up in the morning during exam.

Laura - The only girl that loves pink more then anyone else. The only one that will colour you pink if u fall asleep around her. The only person that marks papers with a "pink" pen not a red one. The only person that will show up at a wedding dressed head to toe in pink even though the theme was something else. The only person that would drink a strawberry shake just cause it's pink even though she's allergic. Shes awesome with her girlishness.


ME - The type of person that would kill u if u messed with any of these people. The type of person that would kill u if u messed with my family. And the person that hates school. Loves reading and writing. pissing people off. Showing the guys that girls can do things they can do and cooking a storm while reading and babysitting i'm a scary multi-tasker.

Friends say the darndest things

Serena - I won't listen to your sh*t, unless you need to be listened to

Laura - if i could i would dye u pink

Brianna - do da stanky leg!! <it's a song>

Catlin - blah blah blah blah UR MOM!!

Chantell - Silence I kill you!!! <from achmed the dead terrorist>

ME!! - Holy fudgesicles and all them Popsicle sticks!!
June 18th, 2009 at 03:07am