I have a question about guys and how they flirt/act. Older Mibbians (as in over seventeen) are more than welcome to comment.

Yeah, I have a question.

So I'm just your regular, average-looking sixteen year old girl. I just turned sixteen, in fact. Well, so I was on a walking trail that exists in the town over from me. The thing, for a mental image, is like this: going up, to the left, you have a creekish thing, and trees and other nature-ly sights, and then the pavement for the trail, and then a guard rail, and then, finally, the main road consisting of two lanes. Alright, so I was walking on that particular trail in the morning while on the phone with a friend. Well, long story short, a white truck seemed to slow down as he went by me as he laid on his freaking horn. (Not to mention I jumped up ten feet in the air because I wasn't expecting it at the time.) It happened again further down the road, but this time, it didn't scare me because I was indeed expecting it.

Now, I'm brazen enough to admit that I'm used to the honking, and I'm pretty sure that's just how redneck men flirt with you. If they think you're attractive, they honk at you as they drive by you (as if you're going to rip off your clothes in joy on the main high way and chase after him, signing to him with your fingers your number so he can call you and you can have sex together). Am I right? I've been told this by a trillion people, but I figured I'd ask my lovely Mibbian neighbors if they agree, and if this happens to them a lot.

How do you guys react when it happens?

Oh, and one more thing. This is the one where I'm really not too sure. Maybe I just live in a redneck community. But there have actually been guys to, and I kid you not, revv up their freaking engines as they drive by me. Specifically when they drive by me. Is that an act of meanness, or is this yet another stupid way men flirt? I swear, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was indeed a way men flirt, because honking at a woman to tell her she's looking good is the stupidest thing ever.

Comments? They're appreciated. Thank you. =)
June 18th, 2009 at 04:33am