"Hi Jacky"

you seriously annoy the living crap out of me. i've never met someone so intimidated by me in my life. and i know your not shy because i see you talking to other people all the time. if you really did like me, then you wouldve talked to me. just please stop telling every person you know that you like me and just talk to me.

i've never wanted someone so much in my life. i've never seen someone so perfect in my life. the craziest thing is that im starting to think that maybe, just maybe, i love you. and it scares me.

i can read you so well. i can see that theres something wrong with you. you barley talk, your head is always down, and you always try to hide in the background in that big black jacket. all of it, just makes me want you more. it makes me want to help you. because i know i can. i know i can make you happy. i know i can make you feel the happiest youve ever been. every time you stare at me in history class, i see you smile at me. then you look away because you know that i've caught you once again staring at me. i dont mind. in fact, i crave it.

i want you so badly that i feel like coming up to you next year and just say "i want you" and i probably will cause im just that desperate. i know you want me and i probably want you more....so why the hell is it so hard?

i will never stop thinking about you. i will never stop dreaming about you until the day i officialy have you.

today, on the last day of school, when i walked in my first period class you sat in front of me and with the biggest smile said "hi jacky".....that made my year. its all i ever wanted.
June 18th, 2009 at 05:20am