Hi I am half Chinese and half black.

My grandmother has some annoying friends some love me and some give me and my mom these looks like I have five fricking heads. And they talk about me in Chinese like i can't understand them they're all like "why is she so dark" or "her father is going to demand money cause he's black" or " her mother couldn't just marry a nice chinese boy" or "she still visits her father" or "I bet u her father has gone jail" and i'm all like what the f*** thats none of your business u nosy old lady!!!!

Or when I walk in to a place with my dad and I see the pair of middle aged chinese women talking and saying "oh the store keeper better watch that big black man" or "that man is going to steel" or "that man is walking around with such a young girl" and I flip around and go "shut up I'm his daughter u annoying 'bleepers' I swear if another middle aged waitress goes and gives me a fork at a chinese restaurant again i'm going to pick up the chopsticks and poke her eyes out.

I mean seriously if people really have that much of a problem with inter-racial children well then come see me so i can kick u all the way back to the 14th century.

So this journal is all about why i do not like some of my grandmothers friends because......


And if got a problem with me? fix it!
think i'm trippin'? tie my shoe!
can't stand me? sit the ass down
can't face me? turn the hell around
June 18th, 2009 at 05:30am