Encouragement is the greatest feeling in the world

I know that many people -or so I believe- wonder what it is that keeps a writer writing, even if he/ she continued to get rejects and can't seem to find his/ her way into the publishing door yet. I have found my answer to that. First, it is my characters, and secondly -and most importantly- it is people.
My characters in my story I am trying to get published are not -or at least not aall of them- the ones to give up so easily. I know that if my characters and I could met back in their time, they would urge me on to continue writing and finding my way. Heck, maybe they would even encourage me to keep shining, though I don't know if I have yet. If a writer leaves his/ her writing, then he/ she is leaving his/ her characters as well. Don't ever leave your characters. Your characters are the ones who make the story. Think: if your character was in your position as an unpublished writer, what would he or she do and not do?
As I said, mostly it is people. Whether they know it or not, my friends, teachers, family (including my pets). Internet buddies, and even people that don't know me that well encourage me and inspire me to continue on. I cannot express how much thanks I wish to give to so many people: my Mibba friends, Polyvore contacts, Neopets Neofriends, friends at school, teachers, authors, and my loving family. You all have been so helpful. The best way for me to say thank you is to just write it here and tell you: THANK YOU!

So perhaps you aren't a writer and perhaps we don't even know each other, but nevertheless, continue to reach for the stars. Somehow, you will get there, and I am sure of that for anyone who dares to. Thank you, thank you. If you have read this journal, you also are in this thanks because you have taken the time to do so.

The most fasinating thing is to learn from one another. You think you have someone so well-figured out, and then you notice something you never saw before. Mayn't it be that you don't know everything about that person. Ha, you can't say that never occured to you! ~Ellis, a character in my second story
June 18th, 2009 at 05:58pm