10 Quick Questions

Not sure how allowed this is, but let's go. If you never hear from me again, well, you know what happened.

This is a meme/survey thing I found on Tumblr, which is like Twitter, but with more characters. Basically, it's ten of the randomest questions you'll ever be asked in your life. Enjoy my stupidity and insanity, and don't forget to post your own journal with your own answers.

1. Who are you?
I'm Trejon Sandra Dunn, Actress, Writer, Part Time Model, and All Around Dorkwad.

2. Zombies - undead monstrosity or the next logical step in human evolution?
Is there a way to make zombies more attractive? Cuz the rotting flesh? Ew. Other than that? I'm totally pro-zombie. When I'm not being eaten alive.

3. Young Elvis or Fat Elvis?
Young Elvis

4. If you were a superhero, what would your name be?
Token Black Girl.

5. You are the last man on earth, and it is your job to perpetuate the human race, whether you like it or not. Your choice of potential mates is between Wonder Woman, the Bionic Woman or Super Girl. Which one do you choose?
I'm a girl. But if I was a guy, I'm pick Wonder Woman. Lynda Carter in the 70's was :yah. Hell, Lynda Carter now is :yah

6. What was your first car?
I don't have a car yet, but I'm hoping it'll be a VW Bug.

7. If you were going to show me around your city/town, where’s the first place you would take me?
Tempe Marketplace, where Hugh Jackman feet tread the ground.

8. What’s the last album you bought?
Costello Music-
the Fratellis

9. Do you have an arch enemy? Would you like one?
I do have an arch enemy, but to protect my friends and myself, I shall not mention her name. She knows who she is.

10. What’s the title of the movie they are going to make about your teenage years?
Either Speechless or Fueled By Drama
June 18th, 2009 at 10:10pm