Finally Free- kind of...

Finally out of the hell-school and moving on!
It feels great to get a new start! New people, new classes, yay!

But of course nothing is ever perfect, such as me and Ley about to lose our minds maintaining great times between friends- but mostly for me since Leah wasn't even at school half the freaking year! It's really hard and it's going to continue till next year.

If your wondering what happened, i'll keep it simple; most of the girls ganged up on the one slightly different person in our little circle of close friends and coldly told her they weren't her friend anymore. They were total idiots and weren't thinking when they did this and I still resent them for it.

I would simply let it go and let them be apart but the group realizes what they have done and are sorry, but the friend won't listen! She is now holding a stupid hollow grudge and now she's being bitchy about it! Ugh! In her yearbook she labeled them as the Bitch Brigade. She had every right to be mad at them but they're sorry and she doesn't even care! She also doesn't even realize what this is doing to me and Ley! We have to avoid these topics when talking to both groups and are being stretched over friends that don't get along!

Basically, this whole situation is really pissing me off to a point where I either ca't stand it and listen to crappy depressing songs or i write sad poetry! (no joke check my peoms; the first poem there is a result of all of this)

Desperately seeking distraction. =(
June 20th, 2009 at 01:53am