
Okay, the following texts may sound a little bit biased, but please be informed that I only live with my mother, so I am not around guys much. Hardly at all. I avoid guys as much as I can help it at school. So to the boys that may read this, do not be offended. This is from a girl that was brought up to hate (most of the) boys, but you have to admit, whatever you will read is somewhat true in a point.

You may be wondering where is this leading. We'll get to that soon enough. But first let me tell you where I found the idea to write this. I don't know too much about guys, since I don't know many of them myself, but I believe I've seen many of them to know their true nature. To those guys, I suggest do not go further beyond this point.

A few hours ago, I watched the news about Doc Hayden Kho and Katrina Halili. To those Filipinos, they already know what this is about, 'coz apparently this is the hottest gossip in the Philippines. But to those not, I'll explain further. There was this video of the two of them spreading fast in the internet. I believe I don't have to tell you what kind of video this is. Anyway, the girl said that this was not her idea, which means that the cam is hidden.

That was the most stupid and perverted thing I have ever heard. He has no respect to Katrina even as a human being. He just stepped on her dignity big time. I think I'm gonna explode with rage. And what is he gonna get from doing those? I can't see the point.

I'm not saying that all boys are like this. I'm telling you, I have no intention of being an old maid. No thank you. So there better be decent guys out there. If you think you're decent enough, then please don't hesitate to contact me. LOL Just kidding.

I know that I will never have the boy of my dreams, he's too good to be true. I only want a guy who I can be proud of, and who will protect me from anything that may cause me harm. This should be easy enough, but its easier said than done.

If I'll find someone as handsome and as perverted as Doc Hayden, then never mind. I'd rather die an old maid.

I know some decent guys, or maybe I just don't know them enough. I'm not telling guys at school are not decent, its just that they're more like boys than guys. They're too childish and immature. Lets just hope they grow up to become gentlemen.

Some guys I like:

Mr. Darcy
Edward Cullen
Harry Potter
and many other fictitious characters. LOL

Well, what can I say? Can't live with them, can't live without them!
June 20th, 2009 at 01:42pm