
Are you afraid of this word? What do you feel when you hear this word? Scared? Angry? Sad?

The word had a whole different meaning to me just this morning.

I've known a lot of people that died. A lot of my neighbors died. My classmates' family. I've never really been bothered. But it seems really different when you know the person.

Its different when the person that died is only an acquaintance. A random face on the street. But when you knew the person, it seems like its only a nightmare. Its very hard to accept the fact that you will never see that person again. Never hear his voice, never see his smile. It seems so sad when you think about it.

And it is sad. You know the person. You saw him once full of life. Of dreams. Of hopes and aspirations. Its almost impossible to imagine that person lying in a coffin, lifeless. Its just heartbreaking.

I now regret the times when I didn't talk to him. I never told him I cared for him. I never even told him how thankful I am.

It would have been easier to accept if he has an illness or something. It gives you time to prepare. You see him edge slowly away from life, and it makes it more bearable. But, he was killed. By his own relatives. His own flesh and blood. Those monsters deserve a slow and painful death. If I have one wish right now, that would be it. May their conscience haunt them for all eternity.

I know that I sound more angry than sad, and I am. The Hell I am angry! To those . . . things. I wouldn't disgrace the name of devils by calling them that. Devils are still partly humans. I don't see any humanity left in them.

To those this person left behind, never forget this person. Cherish his memories in your hearts. This is what keeps them alive. Be thankful that you happen to be a part of his short but meaningful life.

Be always thankful to God for giving you a chance to be with this person.

Even though I am not a very outspoken girl, I never told you what I always wanted to say. Thank You. For Everything.

May you rest in peace.

In the Memory of Danny Corlet
May You Never Be Forgotten
June 20th, 2009 at 01:43pm