No More Poetry

OK never read these,but i finaly have decided to stop writing poetry, i have two main goals now.
1.ReWrite my poems untill i belive their as best as they can be.
2.Start writing more stories! well..ive never wrote a story befor but i have a idea based on things that has happend in my life to write the story...ok lemme put it this way i got the whole damn plot in my head but idk how to convert that to paper! so if ur a experianced story writer and willing to help me ill love you forever &#9829; <~ that can be yours! lol ok but rly people i need help with stories =( if your reading this then please leave me a comment or msg with help =) if you give even the simplest helpfull tip like "periods after every sentence" <~ i soo dont do that lol! BUT ill give you credit in my first story! whoo hoo! yay! anyways~ please help =)
June 21st, 2009 at 02:54am