A horror/comedy/porno movie creates awkward moments.

So, it was my friend's birthday today.
After going to dinner, we went back to her house to watch Friday the 13th.

Honestly, it was one of the most awkward moments I will ever be in.
About 6 girls, 5 guys and 1 very young boy, watching a gory horror flick with strong sexual scenes.

It was really funny, I was scared to be honest.
But the worst thing was, thesex scenes. :)
It's just funny I'm sharing a moment with all of my friends, them watching their very first naughty sex scene in a movie. I've seen raunchy scenes before, it's just awkward to watch it with immature guys, some scared girls (actually, most were pretty cool about it, except for 1) and a really young kid.

Her little brother shouldn't have been there. I would have not let my younger siblings exposed to things like that. I'm pretty sure the first time I've ever seen some real nudity, I was in trauma. But you know, there's different people, you have different reactions. He didn't seen that bad.

Oh, I personally thought the movie had some subtle, funny moments.
And the mention of Green Day in it made everyone turn to me. (:

What was your first horror/comedy/porno movie? :XD
June 21st, 2009 at 04:40am