TV Promoting Teen Pregnancy?

So have you herd of the TV show, ‘The Secret Life Of The American Teenager’? on ABC family, or what about the new show on MTV, ‘16 and Pregnant’?

If you’ve watched the new show on MTV it follows teens during there pregnancy, and how they deal with the whole situation. When I watch the show, I get a feeling that ‘they have a baby and there parents are okay with it, why can’t I have one and my parents will be okay with it.’

But I’m smart enough to know that my parents would most definitely not be okay with me having a baby at such a young age. My mom has expressed to me, that if I was to get pregnant that I’d have to find a place of my own and move out.

But what about the teens that can’t talk to there parents about there sex life? The teens who think getting pregnant is okay?

I personally thing our world is going to hell!

After all those years of trying to prevent teen pregnancy here we are following teens around who are pregnant, giving the impression that its okay.

Maybe society is going over bored with the whole teen pregnancy shows.
June 21st, 2009 at 07:44pm